Thursday, November 4, 2010

#10 by Carnifex

"...after all, we have to send a message to the leader of the GMS," said Carnifex as he handed the data-pad over the Elyon, "Just try not to let the Navy see you and it should be easy money."
"You go' it Carnifex," Elyon said, a hint of alcohol on his breath.
Carnifex hoped that the message would really get through to the Grayson Mercs, he considered it a duty to the League to set an example of hunters who would sell out their contacts too easily (mostly because it suited him). How Liberty would react if League pilots were observed in Liberty taking out contracts against their new pet mercanaries he didn't know, some of his contacts in Liberty had mentioned a build up of armed vessels but he wasn't sure that Liberty wanted a conflict with the Empire. They cirtenly hadn't seemed to want war back when the Empire sent pilots into Liberty to scout out its defencive capabilities.
Somehow he thought they would only want the information he was still in the process of forging.

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